Sunday, November 12, 2006 I wrote some today

Yesterday, I did this little writing exercise, and it gave me an idea for the starting a new novellete. It was fun. I would post it here, but something seems a little bugged up, and it won't let me do that. Maybe I will, once I figure out what the little buggy is.

You know, I heard bug comes from long ago, when primitive comps were used. There was some disturbance in the computer, so they dismantled it and tried to find out. It turned out to be a bug, and they called it that ever since [No...I didn't think this up, I read it somewhere]. And they say my imagination runs high. I don't believe I have the capacity to write such fiction in my dreams.

Anyway, as the title says, I started writing my new novel today. Before this, I had just written the outline, charachters histories and all that. Today, for the first time, I started writing. I found it wasn't as easy as I had imagined, but it worked out. I wrote about 967 words [I think] and less that three full pages. Guess I shouldn't be leaping at a thousand words, I plan to write another 74,000 more. But then...a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I count this to be a pretty large step. At this rate, I'll be finished by next year or so. And this is the first draft I'm talking about. Now...counting school, exams, another novel I'm working on, this one shouldn't take so much time.

I have my whole life ahead of me.

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